Whether you pay suppliers, contractors, or employees, you can group several bills from a single contact into a single payment. This is called Grouping.
This means the payee (the contact) will receive a single payment containing all of their outstanding bills, as opposed to a series of separate payments.
You can enable grouping inside of any payment flow using the ‘Group by payee’ button.
If the recipient receives one payment for multiple bills: Apron will place an auto-generated reference into the payment, unless you have entered a customised reference for that payment
If the recipient receives a payment for a single bill: Apron will use the individual, corresponding bill reference, or custom reference (if you have set one up for the payment)
When you group payments to the same supplier, Apron will consider this as one transfer.
Note: If you choose to group payments, we recommend sending remittance advice records to suppliers. Here’s how.