All Collections
Which currencies does Apron support?
Which countries can I send money to?
Does Apron set payment limits?
Does Apron work with all banks?
What is the difference between payroll and supplier payments?
Can I schedule a payment?
How do I schedule a payroll payment?
How do I create a payroll file for uploading into Apron?
How do I add a new payment method to Apron?
Can I change the approver and/or payer of a pending payment?
Payment blocked by an add-blocker or anti-virus
My client has a dual authorisation setup in their bank. What should I do?
How do I enable the 'Authenticate with NatWest' option when using Bankline?
How do I group payments by contact?
How do I send remittance advice to suppliers?
My bank is rejecting payments to Apron
How can I be sure I don't send funds to Apron as a CHAPS payment?
Payment cycles overview